Friday 11 May 2007

Ceci n’est pas une pipe

Signals on many platforms are completely not-thread safe, this being due to the delivery by an interrupt which can halt execution mid-way through a function call. Checking the man page signal(2) POSIX.1-2003 lists safe functions to call in a signal handler:

_Exit() _exit() abort() accept() access() aio_error() aio_return() aio_suspend() alarm() bind() cfgetispeed() cfgetospeed() cfsetispeed() cfsetospeed() chdir() chmod() chown() clock_gettime() close() connect() creat() dup() dup2() execle() execve() fchmod() fchown() fcntl() fdatasync() fork() fpathconf() fstat() fsync() ftruncate() getegid() geteuid() getgid() getgroups() getpeername() getpgrp() getpid() getppid() getsockname() getsockopt() getuid() kill() link() listen() lseek() lstat() mkdir() mkfifo() open() pathconf() pause() pipe() poll() posix_trace_event() pselect() raise() read() readlink() recv() recvfrom() recvmsg() rename() rmdir() select() sem_post() send() sendmsg() sendto() setgid() setpgid() setsid() setsockopt() setuid() shutdown() sigaction() sigaddset() sigdelset() sigemptyset() sigfillset() sigismember() signal() sigpause() sigpending() sigprocmask() sigqueue() sigset() sigsuspend() sleep() socket() socketpair() stat() symlink() sysconf() tcdrain() tcflow() tcflush() tcgetattr() tcgetpgrp() tcsendbreak() tcsetattr() tcsetpgrp() time() timer_getoverrun() timer_gettime() timer_settime() times() umask() uname() unlink() utime() wait() waitpid() write()

The popular method to handle signals is then through a pipe to an event loop, read "Catching Unix signals" for a Gtk example.

Using pipes is also a popular mechanism for multiple threads to communicate with each other, with the PGM transport the application needs to be notified only when contiguous data is available, handling of out of order sequence numbers and NAK requests should be transparent. However it only need be used as a thread-safe signalling mechanism, so for zero-copy we simply use a shared memory structure for the actual data to pass, in this case via a Glib asynchronous queue. A pipe can be used in a select() or poll() call, the thread can then sleep until data is available, otherwise a constant loop checking shared memory would be necessary with the side effect of starving other threads of processor time.

Like a jigsaw puzzle

Having the pieces first obviously helps, and we have already created separate receive and transmit windows together with the necessary network socket details. We want to define a new object that incorporates both receiver and transmit side functionality and manages all the network specific details for us. Independently we can investigate what kind of API we want to see by creating new basic send and receiver tools: pgmsend and pgmrecv derived from previously created basic_recv_with_rxw and stream_send_with_nak. The following diagram shows all the components that are affected:

That's getting a bit complicated to view from a functional level so lets have a look at the combined data flow diagram:

The TX/RX queue refers to of the operating system, the asynchronous event queue and event loop is determinable upon the integration framework. Currently integration is with the Glib event loop however the event hooks can easily be redirected to a Windows native, Qt, or any other. It is also not necessary for the PGM event loop to be a separate from the application event loop, although only recommended for low data rate applications.