Wednesday 2 April 2008

Send send send

When sending messages that a larger than one TSDU in size multiple options start to appear, some options are tied to the network layer properties for optimum transmission efficiency, some more generic to simplify application development. The following chart lists the options:

The first and second option covers the basic simplified application layer high level function, pass one or a vector of application defined message buffers. OpenPGM will then segment those buffers to the TSDU size determined from the maximum TPDU and PGM header requirements.

A traditional scatter/gather IO vector can be used with the last call, pgm_transport_sendv3(), this provides a convenient mechanism to pass an application protocol header and payload separately without copy overhead.

The sendv2() pair provides an optimised mechanism of passing PGM payload size buffers which can be directly sent on the wire with pre-pended header.